Welcome to CanD B Photography
​Thank you for taking the time to browse through my site.
To me, photography has always been about more than just snapping a moment or knowing where to stand for the best lighting. Yes, these are important in creating a great photograph - but to me they are not the only aspects of a good photographer. There is a deeper essence behind any great photograph that is captured. When you look at an image - not only do you see what is visible, but rather everything that your other senses were aware of too when you were present in that moment. What the mood was like in a room or if there was a smell in the air. Emotions. The speed at which time seemed to be moving. The laughter and tears, highs and lows. These are the elements that make a photograph more than just a moment, but rather a visual memory.
My ultimate goal is to remind you of your experience every time you look back on these images. An experience where maybe you felt glamorous and free for the first time. One in which you were able to push aside your inhibitions for a few hours, and revel in the fact that you are beautiful. As a bride, you should feel like the most gorgeous person in a room, and as her groom, there is so much wonder and emotion to find lurking behind your eyes. An expecting mother is petrified and awed all at the same time, and a family stands for unity and usually just a little bit of organised chaos. Sometimes we have fun with those that make us laugh, or share a few tears with those we love. The unpredictability of a new born baby and every now and then I discover that there is a diva that lives inside even the most timid of people. Whatever your experience with me is, my hope is that when it is over you will feel like you have connected with me not only as your photographer, but also on a level that allows me to capture more than just what I see with my eyes.
With fifteen years of experience in the field, and an absolute passion for my art, I am confident that you will walk away from your moments with with CanD B Photography with a genuine smile on your face , and a pocket full of special memories to treasure.
Warmest Regards
Candice x
“Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.” - Anonymous